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contoh kalimat dini hari

"dini hari" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Your wife... she died in the early hours of this morning.
    Istrimu meninggal dini hari tadi.
  • Unfortunately, that decision was arrived at early this morning.
    Sayangnya, keputusan itu tiba di dini hari tadi.
  • Ay me, sad hours seem long.
    Tapi masih dini hari, Sepupu. Waktu kesedihanku terasa lama.
  • In Southampton, boarding begins in the early morning.
    Di Southampton, keberangkatan dimulai pada dini hari.
  • Was? He shut down the auction early this morning.
    Dia menutup lelang dini hari tadi.
  • I wish you out of my area before dawn.
    Kuharap kamu keluar dari areaku sebelum dini hari.
  • I think last night or early this morning.
    Sepertinya tadi malam atau dini hari tadi.
  • There was a double murder earlier today in Bethesda.
    Terjadi pembunuhan ganda dini hari tadi di Bethesda.
  • All three were shot in the span of an hour last night.
    Ketiganya ditembak dini hari tadi.
  • I took a walk in the woods earlier.
    Dini hari tadi aku berjalan ke hutan.
  • Okay, they're looking at Wednesday night,
    Akan terjadi di Rabu malam, sampai Kamis dini hari.
  • And you amaze me.
    Apa yang kau lakukan di sini jam 2 dini hari begini?
  • It was like 3 or 4 in the morning.
    Rasanya seperti pukul 3 atau 4 dini hari.
  • I don't do cold weather.
    Aku tak suka cuaca yang dingin. ( Tak suka melakukan dini hari )
  • Joe Carroll-- he escaped from prison earlier this morning.
    Joe Carroll. Dia kabur dari penjara dini hari tadi.
  • He's gone, he left the country early this morning.
    Dia sudah pergi, ia meninggalkan negara dini hari tadi.
  • Tramp found the jacket early this morning.
    Tramp menemukan jaket ini dini hari tadi.
  • I saw the swarms, early this morning.
    Aku melihat kawanan, dini hari tadi.
  • It is 3 o'clock in the morning.
    Ini pukul tiga pagi dini hari.
  • Yeah, I think it was scheduled for early this morning.
    Ya, saya pikir itu dijadwalkan untuk dini hari tadi.
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